

This page sets out the conditions under which DOMUSA CALEFACCION S. Coop. provides you with content and services via this website, and by accessing this page you accept such conditions. These are the Conditions of Use of this website.

Our company's identification details:

DOMUSA CALEFACCION S. Coop. with registered address at Bº San Esteban s/n, 20737 Errezil, Spain, Tel: 943 81 38 99 - Fax : 943 81 56 66. You can also contact the company for any queries you may have regarding this website. The domain www.domusateknik.com is the property of DOMUSA CALEFACCION, S. Coop.

Conditions Accepted:

By accessing this website, you agree to know, understand and accept the Conditions of Use prevailing at your time of access. Since, in line with the legal standards applicable at any given time, the Conditions may be subject to modification, we recommend that you consult them and our Privacy Policy each time you access this website.

Purpose of the site. Disclaimer:

By means of this website, we provide you with information on the services and/or products we offer or sell. This information is offered as viewed by the user and DOMUSA does not accept any liability for possible damages caused by:

Using this website:

You are aware that your use of this website is under your sole and exclusive responsibility and you voluntarily and expressly accept this when accessing.

You are also aware that you may not use any of the contents included on this website for illicit purposes or in offence of the public and moral order and commonly accepted good practices. Specifically, and without limiting the conditions set forth herein, you also undertake not to obtain, copy or distribute the contents displayed on this website other than for personal use, and under no circumstances with profit-making objectives.

Intellectual property rights:

This website is the property of DOMUSA CALEFACCION, S. Coop. and all trademarks, brand names or logos of any kind that appear on this website are the property of DOMUSA CALEFACCION S. Coop. or third parties, and accessing this website does not under any circumstances grant you any rights over these trademarks, brand names and/or logos.

Furthermore, the contents are the intellectual property of our company or third parties and none of the rights of exploitation that exist or may exist in relation thereto may be understood to have been transferred to you.

Contact us

Fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

+34 943 81 38 99

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